We get stronger.

Life is cruel, unkind, mean. Sometimes life likes to knock us down, and then kick us a few good times, just to make sure we’ve fallen low enough. Life looks at our plans, and no matter how well we’ve made them, how sure we are, life shreds them to pieces until there is nothing left.

And then again, life is measured not by the times we fall down, but by the times we rise up. By the times we dust the dirt off our clothes, by the times we try again and again.

Because we get stronger every time we fall down. We get more resilient. We can stand a little taller every time we have to stand up. We learn with each unkindness and cruelty. We learn and we move on and somehow we get to our destination. A bit roughed up, but wiser, stronger, more capable.

And getting up again is worth it. No matter how hard it is, how heart-broken we are, getting up is worth it. Because staying down means not trying, and we can change nothing if we never try. But standing up means that we get another chance to try, another chance for things to change.

Another chance for things to get better.

For our dreams to be within our grasp.

And that’s worth it.

4 thoughts on “We get stronger.

  1. “Staying down means not trying, and we can change nothing if we never try.” God knows how many times I need to say this to myself. Permission to print it out and put it on my wall? 💜

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for this post! “Life is measured not by the times we fall down, but by the times we rise up.” I’m going to write those words down on a Post-it note and stick it to my wall.

    Liked by 1 person

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